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Vaccum Products
Vaccum Products
Agilent vacuum pumps, pumping systems, measurement instruments, components, and helium leak detectors allow you to create, measure, and maintain vacuum for your applications, processes, or research. Learn about Agilent's clean, dry, quiet IDP scroll pumps, high performance, high compression TwisTorr turbo pumps, optimized, UHV/XHV ready ion pumps and controllers, and rugged, reliable helium leak detectors.
Agilent pumps, systems, and components enable advanced research in physics, analytical instrumentation, and nanotechnology, they are also a perfect fit for industrial processes.
Highlight of the Product Offering
Turbo Pumps
Agilent provides robust, industry-leading high-vacuum turbomolecular pumps and controllers that deliver complete confidence across a broad range of applications in academia, research, nanotechnologies, analytical instrumentation, and industry.

Rotary Vane Pumps
Agilent Rotary Vane Pumps is a complete family of oil sealed rotary pumps designed to cover the most demanding industrial and scientific applications.

Turbo Pumping System
Agilent provides robust, industry-leading turbo pumping systems that deliver complete confidence across a broad range of applications in laboratories and industry.

High Capacity Rotary Vane Pumps and Roots Pumping Systems
Agilent RPS Series Roots Pumps are designed for optimum system integration and enable continuous operation and monitoring of vacuum systems.

Diffusion Pumps
Agilent diffusion pumps offer high pumping speeds, high throughput, high tolerance forepressure, excellent backstreaming characteristics, low ultimate pressure, and long-term reliability.

Dry Scroll Pumps
Agilent dry scroll pumps reliably provide clean, quiet, oil-free vacuum at low base pressure. Quick maintenance procedures minimize service down time and cost of ownership.

Vaccum Valves
Agilent's extensive line of vacuum valves are engineered for reliability, performance, and value. These valves are also engineered to optimize conductance, to operate in a wide variety of applications, and to operate with a minimum of moving parts.

VACUUM Components
Agilent offers valves, flanges, tubes and other components specifically designed to control vacuum pressure.

Ion Pumps
Agilent ion pumps and controllers can be customized in a number of configurations to satisfy your vacuum requirements. They are the best choice for those applications where stable ultrahigh or extreme-high vacuum (UHV or XHV) conditions are essential