X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)

XRF analysis – one of the best analytical techniques to perform elemental analysis in all kinds of samples, no matter if liquids, solids or loose powders must be analyzed.

XRF combines highest accuracy and precision with simple and fast sample preparation for the analysis of elements from Beryllium (Be) to Uranium (U) in the concentration range from 100 % down to the sub-ppm-level.

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Highlight of the Product Offering


S2 POLAR – The EDXRF for the Petrochemical Industry

The S2 POLAR is the Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer for the petrochemical industry

The S2 POLAR masters all requirements for S analysis from diesel to crude oils. This also includes continuous process control of higher sulfur levels in refineries as well as norm-compliant Ultra-Low Sulfur (ULS) analysis of final products.

The S2 POLAR complies with the international S norms such as ASTM D7220, D4294, and ISO 13032.


S6 JAGUAR – Full WDXRF on a Bench

The S6 JAGUAR WDXRF combines excellent analytical performance based on cutting edge technology with compact size and Plug-and-Analyze installation.

The industry-ready WDXRF analyzer

The S6 JAGUAR offers more analytical power with typically more than 50% reduced measurement times than any other compact WDXRF instrument, featuring its new compact WDXRF goniometer, closely coupled optics, and 400 W direct excitation power. 


S8 TIGER Series 2

Thanks to HighSense technology the S8 TIGER Series 2 WDXRF spectrometer delivers for all elements accuracy and precision for industrial quality and process control.

With high resolving WDXRF technology and optimal detection of light, medium and heavy elements based on the new HighSense beam path, the XRF² mapping tool of the S8 TIGER Series delivers best sensitivity, smallest spot size, and highest resolution for small spot applications.


Elemental Analysis with XRF

The new S8 LION´s simultaneous wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometer provides the fastest time-to-result for process and quality control in the cement, minerals and mining industries.

Elemental Analysis with XRF

S2 PUMA – High-Power, Versatile Benchtop EDXRF

The S2 PUMA is the Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer for elemental analysis

The benchtop instrument for solid and liquid samples, prepared or bulk, for the analysis from carbon to americium (C – Am). Detectable elemental concentrations in the samples can range from ppm up to 100%.