Integrated Spectroelectrochemistry

Spectroelectrochemical measurements: one integrated solution

Combine electrochemistry and UV-Vis, Vis-NIR, or Raman spectroscopy in one measurement. These instruments consist of a bipotentiostat/ galvanostat combined with a spectrometer and a light source. They are available in various detection range versions.

Spectroelectrochemistry is a useful technique used for investigating and identifying electroactive species and redox reactions products. It can be applied in various research fields, such as:

  • New materials characterization
  • Photochemical energy conversion
  • Photovoltaic cell
  • Analytical chemistry

We offer an integrated solution for this type of measurement: instrumentation, dedicated software, and accessories.



  • Combined bipotentiostat/ galvanostat and spectrometer with light source
  • Various detection ranges and techniquesavailable: UV-Vis, Vis-NIR, and Raman
  • Electrochemical and spectroscopic modes can be used independently
  • Dedicated software for perfect synchronization of optical and electrochemical measurement
  • Compatible with any kind of spectro-electrochemical cell and with screen-printed electrodes
Integrated Spectroelectrochemistry



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