Ultrainert columns

Ultra Inert Columns

The analysis of active compounds by gas chromatography (GC) continues to be challenging in areas such as pesticide, food, environmental and drug analysis, particularly due to the continuing trend to reduce detection limits, certainly into the low nanogram range. One of the main obstacles to increasing sensitivity in the past was column bleed. Low column bleed reduces detector noise and increases signal-to-noise, improving detection limits. GC column manufacturing techniques have now improved to a point where control of the noise generated through column, liner or septum bleed over defined temperature ranges is routine. With bleed profiles reduced to low levels, particularly for non/low polarity and mid polarity stationary phases, the focus of GC column design is to decrease surface activity and in so doing deliver more analyte to sensitive detectors.

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DB-1ms Ultra Inert

Agilent J&W DB-1ms Ultra Inert delivers consistent column inertness performance to ensure sensitivity, performance, and integrity. DB-1ms is also individually tested with Ultra Inert 1ms test probe mixture for peace of mind. An inert GC flow path further enhances performance.


DB-5ms Ultra Inert

Agilent J&W HP-5ms Ultra Inert is specifically tested for inertness for active compounds, including acidic and basic compounds, to meet the worldwide drive for lower detection levels. With very low bleed characteristics, bonded and cross-linked HP-5ms Ultra Inert is solvent rinsable and ideal for GC/MS. The column is equivalent to USP phase G27 and features improved signal-to-noise ratio for better sensitivity and mass spectral integrity.


HP-1ms Ultra Inert

Agilent J&W HP-1ms Ultra Inert features exceptionally low column bleed and is designed to deliver consistent column inertness performance. The HP-1ms Ultra Inert delivers excellent levels of accuracy and results integrity in a range of applications, and also delivers minimal compound adsorption or degradation.


HP-5ms Ultra Inert

Agilent J&W HP-5ms Ultra Inert is specifically tested for inertness for active compounds, including acidic and basic compounds, to meet the worldwide drive for lower detection levels. With very low bleed characteristics, bonded and cross-linked HP-5ms Ultra Inert is solvent rinsable and ideal for GC/MS. The column is equivalent to USP phase G27 and features improved signal-to-noise ratio for better sensitivity and mass spectral integrity.


DB-35ms Ultra Inert

Agilent J&W DB-35ms Ultra Inert is a mid-polar column, for applications where different selectivity is needed for enhanced separations, including pesticide analysis and drugs of abuse testing. DB-35ms Ultra Inert quantifies components at a lower level, with broader linearity and optimized separation, ultimately increasing productivity.


DB-624 Ultra Inert

Agilent J&W DB-624 UI is optimal for the fast analysis of volatile compounds, and for environmental and chemical samples with unknown components. The unique Ultra Inert deactivation process enhances peak shape, improving signal-to-noise levels and increasing sensitivity for qualitative and quantitative analysis. 


DB-WAX Ultra Inert

Represents the ultimate performance of PEG stationary phase inertness because it provides symmetric peak shape and improved response for challenging polar compounds. All DB-WAX UI columns are individually tested with an Ultra Inert Wax test probe mixture according to the strictest industry QC standards. This ensures consistent column to column inertness performance for challenging active analytes such as free fatty acids, alcohols, diols, and aldehydes with minimal compound adsorption or degradation. Having the same selectivity as Agilent J&W DB-WAX makes upgrading to Ultra Inert performance easy with minimal validation when switching to DB-WAX UI.